
Head Nurse & Clinical Supervisor

Charlie - Head Nurse & Clinical Supervisor
Charlie RVN Head Nurse & Clinical Supervisor

A Certified ISFM Cat Friendly Professional

Charlie joined AlphaPet in 2002 and qualified as a VN in 2004.

Over the years, Charlie has been a familiar face to many of our long standing clients. She was instrumental in organising and arranging our Dog Shows that ran for 10 years. She has been Medical Lead Nurse at our West Meads surgery, overseeing inpatient care and in November 2021, she took on the role of joint Head Nurse, together with Sam and Katie. 

She is also one of our Clinical Coaches who help train up our Student Nurses.

Charlie has a particular interest in avian and wildlife patients and has an Eagle Owl as a pet, along with a multitude of other animals. It would be simpler to list the species she doesn't keep!